How Cute Jewelry Made Me a Better Evangelist




A few years ago, I joined a few girlfriends for a night out on the town. After a yummy meal and lots of girl talk, we went for a walk.   We discovered an open area downtown that had lots of shops and restaurants and a big central courtyard with little carts full of wares for sale.   I love looking at funky rings and trying on cute costume jewelry. I was browsing at a table with inexpensive pieces when I saw a silver piece that grabbed my attention. It had a turquoise butterfly on the front. I immediately reached for my wallet.

I love butterflies. Yes, they are pretty things that fly, but for me they provide inspiration in my walk as a Christ follower. Butterflies remind me that God is transforming my life. Like a caterpillar, I am on a journey of metamorphosis. God is doing a work in my heart, and each day, I am shedding more and more of my hard shell of sin and learning to fly with greater purpose in complete freedom.

I am honored to sharing over at Missional Women today.

Join me here to read the rest of this story.

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