Lighten the Load (Thought-Provoking Thursday)

Lighten the LoadPhoto Credit: Β Damien Moorhouse, via SXC


Tonight at the midweek service, the sermon was about storms.Β  At one point, we turned in our Bibles to Acts 27 where Paul is on a ship that is in peril.Β  The waves are threatening to thrash the boat into the rocks, so some of the sailors try to jump into a lifeboat to escape to safety.Β  Paul warns the seamen that if they abandon ship all will be lost.Β  So, they lighten the load and cut the lifeboats loose.

This really defies all reason, right?Β  I would be the first one in the lifeboat.Β  Get me off of the ship and on to dry land.

But the fact is that God had promised Paul that He would make it to Rome.Β  He didn’t say it would be on a smooth ocean though.

I’ve been thinking about those lifeboats all night long.Β  I’ve been thinking about how I try to escape the storm on vessels manned by self-sufficiency.

I need to lighten the load.

How about you?

Something to think about…


  1. Lyli, you have given much food for thought here. What hit me is not only to give up our self-sufficiency but to believe & trust in God’s promises as well. God had promised Paul that he would make it to safety & so Paul relied on God’s promise. May I do the same in the midst of the storm. Thank you for such a wonderful reminder this morning. Blessings!

    1. Yeah, Joanne. This entire sermon last night was very powerful. Paul was so confident in God’s care that he was sleeping on the boat. I’d be siting on the edge of my bunk with my life vest on wringing my hands in worry.

      Lord, help my unbelief.

  2. mmm … oh to have faith like that. I’d be freaking out to see the lifeboats cut loose. And Jesus beckoning his disciple to step out and walk on the water? Another faith-stretcher there.

    More faith in Him. Less faith in my own need to control the situation …

  3. I still cling hard to my lifeboat of self-sufficiency too often. Praying to lighten the load too and trust the promise to make it to where he’s leading me! Thanks, Lyli.

  4. Blessings, Lyli! Joy to you with much thanks for this reminder that He promises us to get us to where we’re going – but it may not be smooth sailing all the way. There are storms and blue skies – shadows and light – that make up life and masterpieces paintings. Contemplating on these artistic thoughts as I am currently working on my next book exploring such topics. Taking joy along the way!

    Oh – DO link up with my new linky – launched this week to celebrate my three formative years in Blogland! It’s a monthly link – at the outset. I want it to be a hub of bloggers best works of the month in inspiration and devotions!


  5. Oh, Lyli,
    This is great…I think about those lifeboats of self-sufficiency often and how I know they won’t hold me and God reminds me to look at Him, and not at my fears about how inadequate I am…I ask God to show me where I need to lighten up today…Thanks πŸ™‚

  6. I loved this thought! Sometimes I carry so much spiritual baggage around with me…it is no wonder I become overwhelmed! Laying aside the weights and the besetting sins would surely do a world of good and definitely lighten the load! Thanks so much for the link-up and for your obedience to God’s voice. You are a blessing!

  7. Such a short and powerful thought! I have never considered that before…cutting the lifeboats in the MIDDLE of a storm!? Does defy reason, doesn’t it! I want to stay aboard God’s ship also friend, and not depend on my lifeboats or reason and self-sufficiency. So convicted by this thought today! Thanks Lyli!

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