Pack Light
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My man and I like to take short little getaways — just 4 days away to see the sights and spend time together.
The day before our departure, I always ask him to do 2 things: print my packing list and pull down the red suitcase. I stuff mostly books and a few toiletries into the bag — all the essentials for a temporary stay.
Rather than pack my big bottle of shampoo, I have a travel size sample. I use the tiny toothpaste the dentist gave me, and I don’t worry about possibly running out. It’s just a short trip.
When we arrive at the hotel, I usually don’t fully unpack. I kind of live out of the suitcase. Most of the time we are adventuring outside, and I only come back to the room to lay my head on the pillow.
I never settle in. I don’t try to warm up the place and make it mine.
It never feels like home.
Tonight, I am thinking about how it’s wise for me to pack lightly for the journey called life. I need not worry that I am going to run out of what I need. I won’t be here for long.
Rather than nesting inside a cramped, sterile space, I want to throw the door open and step out into the wild adventure with My God.
Time goes by so quickly.
One day soon, I’ll be home.
Something to think about…
What a wonderful analogy! May we spend our time here productively, yet not forget that this is not our home, for we are citizens of Heaven! Thanks for hosting & God bless!
Yes, my passport says “Heaven Bound.”
That’s a really good, thought provoking analogy.
Thanks, Elizabeth. You are such an encourager. Thankful for you
Excellent advice here, Lyli. I like the idea of packing light. I’m about to start packing for a quick trip to Auburn to see my daughters. The hardest part is always deciding on clothes to take, but I need to just grab and go because the time is short. We’re not designed to stay here forever; we don’t need to pack for it. Thanks for your insights!
Hope you have a sweet time with your girls, Lisa. I don’t want to hoard the wrong things… I tend to pack heavy, but I am working on it.
This is a beautiful thought to me today. Packing light…not settling in to this world, since it is not our permanent dwelling place. Sometimes, we get so caught up on living life, we can lose sight of the fact that we will leave it all someday. Mom used to tell me often that “none of us came here to stay always”. Now, she and Dad are gone, and losing them has driven home the reality of my own mortality and just how brief this life on earth truly is. God help us to keep our eyes on Jesus and the eternity we will one day spend with Him. I always leave here refreshed in spirit. Thank you, Lyli.
Cheryl, losing those close to you really makes you understand how fragile and fleeting life is. Much love to you as you grieve and move forward. It’s a wonderful blessing to know that you will be reunited with them soon. .
“Don’t indulge your ego at the expense of your soul.” Those are some words to live by right there! You and your hubby sound like you travel like we do. Short trips, focused on the adventure
Great analogy, Lyli! Have a blessed day!
That one line from the passage stuck out to me as well. I so want to make choices that are pleasing to Him, but sometimes my flesh gets in the way.
I so needed this!!! Wonderful post. I want to pack lightly too! ~gina
So glad you were encouraged, Gina. Hugs
Lyli, wonderful post. I could so relate because no matter when or where I vacation, I too, live out of my suitcase. My husband totally unpacks his & we laugh every time at how we are so opposite in this. This spoke to my heart on so many levels but this >> “Rather than nesting inside a cramped, sterile space, I want to throw the door open and step out into the wild adventure with My God.” Friend, this is where I am the last few weeks. Tears rolling as I continue to be so humbled by our God & what He is doing in my life. So, so grateful for you.
I think we have very similar marriages!
I love this so much. I was just thinking that I have too much stuff, and I need desperately to get rid of things. You have confirmed that God has been telling me to LET GO OF IT, because He will provide for my needs.
Thank you!
That’s awesome, Dana. I really know that I need to read Jen Hatmaker’s book 7, but i am kind of scared to…. because I like my stuff a little too much.
Wow, thank you for this simple but oh-so-true point. The stuff we pack is to be laid up in heaven : ) Thanks for hosting the linkup too!
Welcome, Bethany! I’m trying to adjust my packing list to match God’s marching orders….
Great reminder…this is not our ultimate home…Thank you!
Blessings and hugs,
I am pretty attached to my home, but I am trying to remember that it’s just brick and mortar. I can’t take that with me.
Oh, wow! The Holy Spirit spoke to us both this week for our blog posts. I shared how I have felt like a stranger in the world. Yes, we definitely have to pack light here on earth, for this is NOT our home.Thanks for sharing and hosting the link-up party!!
Welcome, Ann! I enjoyed reading your post… We are definitely on the same page this week.
I love this picture. The simplicity of remembering that we are sojourners here. And that passage from Peter in the Message — so great!
I love that word — sojourn. I looked it up before I started writing. I was deleted to see it implied a temporary journey.
Yes, Lyli, this is such a “something” to think about! You show a clear way to live here while we are here. And I like that! Never quite “settle in” and yet be here for God’s glory while we are here. May I be content in that.
Caring through Christ, ~ linda
I love your focus on being content, Linda. I pray that He give me a heart that is settled in Him alone.
I love this reminder to travel light. This world is not our home. Getting bogged down with baggage can only hinder the journey.
LOL – I pack the kitchen sink! I love the suitcase (photo and as an idea vehicle) – and I like how this encourages me to just let go of things I don’t need. Instead of telling me to get rid of stuff – you talk about the beauty living fully while “packing” lite in the daily! I think you just turned my pack-rat thinking around some!
Lyli, I love the translation of that verse! Sometimes, I gaze up at a beautiful sky, or the way the sun’s rays extend their arms from in back of a cloud, and I long for home. No one can quite get that unless they’ve experienced a radical redefining of what their True Home is…
Loved this, Lyli. Every word!