Strengthen My Hands

Strengthen My Hands

 Photo Credit: Anja Osenberg, via Pixabay


Some days, I am weary.  I am weary of crying out about the same things.  I’m weary of not seeing any progress with my earthly eyes.

Some days, I want to give up the fight.

Are my prayers really making any difference?

My thoughts begin to race with negative thoughts:  “This will never change.”  “This is pointless.”  “You are wasting your time.”

I start to question.  I begin to forget what I know is true.

Thankfully, I am not alone in this fight.  In fact, the fight is not really mine.  I am just a foot soldier in God’s mighty army.  And, I am not alone.  Others stand beside me marching forward in resolute faith with holy hands lifted.

We are waving a banner.  God’s banner.  He is a Mighty Warrior.

Nothing is impossible for my God.  I know that this is true.

When I am too weary to lift my heart to heaven, I am thankful for my Aaron and my Hur who come along beside me and help strengthen my hands.

I am thankful for my praying sisters.

We will keep marching forward together until the battle is done.  We will hold each other up.  We will never give up.

Lord, strengthen my hands.

This year, my desire is to lift up holy hands and “Pray Big.” Want to join me? I’ve created a private “Pray Big” Facebook group for like-minded sisters to share their stories and surrender each one to our mountain-moving God in prayer. Let’s cry out to God together.

Pray Big











I am sharing “Strengthen My Hands” and joining like-minded sisters at Recommendation Saturday, The Weekend Brew, Spiritual Sundays, Faith-Filled Friday, Blessing Counters, Live Free ThursdayTell His Story, Coffee for Your Heart, Woman to Woman Wednesday, Three-Word Wednesday, The Soli Deo Sisterhood, Testimony Tuesday, Purposeful Faith’s RaRaLinkup, Rich-Faith Rising, Sharing His Beauty, and Playdates with God.


  1. Thanks so much for sharing! It is truly amazing how the community of other believers can be so encouraging when we are feeling stuck and frustrated. It is hard since God doesn’t measure progress like we do… and I think most of the time we wish He did. I’m so thankful for the people He has placed in my life 🙂 Glad to connect with you!

  2. As God holds us up in the midst of whatever we are going through, we can stand firm on the Rock. I think of Aaron and Hur holding the arms of Moses up when he weakened.
    Caring through Christ, ~ linda

    PS…Lyli, what is the photo of? Looks like wind socks. Are they using those to generate wind power?

    1. Yes, I actually read that story in Exodus 17 this past week in my quiet time, Linda. It’s such a beautiful picture of how we are to be present for one another.

      The photo is a free stock photo from Pixabay. The descriptors said “flagpoles” and “North Sea.” I just really loved the glorious sunset in the picture…. God does paint the best pictures, doesn’t He? 🙂

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog from Jen’s and your sweet comment. It is a precious gift to be able to communicate directly to God.

  4. It’s amazing how lessons overlap. I’ve recently been putting together a Bible study for my high school girls Sunday school class and I am writing on four different points from Nehemiah. One of those is “strengthen my hands.”

    I’ve needed to hear this so much over the last couple of years. As I’ve surrendered my heart I’ve felt timid and unsure of where He’s leading me and my family. Wonderful, mind you…but still somewhat timid. The opposition always seems so great.

    But I know that He gives me strength to do what it is He has called me to do – so I dwell on this phrase.

    Thank you for writing this, Lyli. It just solidifies the lesson that I am so patiently trying to learn.

    1. I love the book of Nehemiah and have thought about this phrase quite a bit. I am always reminded that he worked with one hand, and had a weapon in the other. Prayer is a weapon, and i want to make sure that I never forget that.

  5. I know that weariness – when I cannot see how the answer to the prayer will ever work its way – but I do know that it is in the wait of that prayer sent out where we grow closer to Him, where we really come to know Him face-to-face. It’s the hardest place to be sometimes – but it’s the place where our souls have the ability to become who they were designed to be! Keep the faith sweet girl! You are in the place where God-beautiful things grow!

  6. Stopping by as your neighbor from Suzie Eller’s #livefreeThursday linkup.

    I love the image of Aaron and Hur holding up Moses’ arms when he couldn’t hold himself up anymore. What a powerful reminder that we need to lean on our brothers and sisters in Christ when we are feeling weak. What would have happened if Moses had been too proud to show weakness? What if Aaron and Hur hadn’t been attuned to Moses’ needs? Yet that’s how we tend to live our lives, isn’t it? Independent, showing no signs of weariness or weakness. Thanks for this reminder to be transparent with my friends as well as my Lord!!

    1. So lovely to connect with you through Suzie’s linkup today, Tammy. Thanks for stopping by! I read that passage in Exodus 17 last week, and the image of those 3 battle weary men standing toe to toe with uplifted arms has captured my attention.

  7. Oh yes! I know what it is to be weary in battle but have the prayers of my sisters all around me. Thank you for this encouragement this morning!

  8. I’d love to join your Facebook group. I think its so important to spend time with believers, sharing faith and encouragement. I hope you find some comfort soon. Know you’re in my thoughts and prayers.

  9. What a wonderful, encouraging and God-honoring idea to establish a place where kindred believers can come together in prayer!

    May God bless the desire of your heart. 🙂

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