The Monsters In the Closet

     When I was in elementary school, I had a tragic reoccurring nightmare every year on the night before the Stanford Achievement Test.  I would wake up in cold sweats — screaming for help because the little man with the hat from my Monopoly game had come to life and was chasing me in my dreams.  Haunting thoughts like these seem almost laughable now as an adult looking back.  Yet, even as a grown up, irrational fears still plague me.  My mature mind knows that there are no monsters in my closet, but my heart will often beat fast as imaginary ghoulish ideas dance about in my head.

My greatest fears stem from circumstances that I cannot control — Will my loved one see the Light and yield his stubborn, wild will to God before it’s too late?  For thirty-two years I have prayed and waited.  Waiting as I yield to the Spirit and rest in the knowledge of God’s power leads to strength, but anxious worry only leads me to a restless state of discontent and ineffectiveness.

This morning on the way to work, I was reminded again of God’s omnipotence, and peace flooded my soul as my heart listened to a beautiful song on my car’s radio:

“God of My Everything” (As Sung by Bebo Norman)

Oh, God of heaven come and hem me in
Gather the pieces that are broken
Show me the wonder of You again
Oh, God of heaven

God of my hope, God of my need
God of my pain that no one else will ever see
God of my healing, God of my strength
God who has always and will forever reign
God of my everything

In all creation You call my name
In all the beauty that this world displays
Still I’m the one for whom Your heart aches
In all creation

God of my hope, God of my need
God of my pain that no one else will ever see
God of my healing, God of my strength
God who has always and will forever reign
God of my everything
God of my everything

And when the mountains shake
You are my God, You never change
And when the earth gives way
You are still God, You never change

God of my hope, God of my need
God of my pain that no one else will ever see
God of my healing, God of my strength
God who has always and will forever reign
God of my everything

God of my everything
God of my everything
God of my everything

The key to conquering my fear is to rest in the capable hands of my Mighty Abba Father:

“Stay alert! I am God, the God of everything living.

Is there anything I can’t do?” (Jeremiah 32:27, MSG)

Q4U:  What imaginary monsters are lurking in your head that you need to yield to the God of Everything?  Feel free to share a verse in the comment section below that has helped you conquer that “stinkin’ thinking.”

I am joining like minded sisters at Playdates with God.
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  1. Such a beautiful song, Lyli. I’ve been indulging those monsters a lot lately, it seems. I needed this reminder to open my hand to God. Thank you, friend. And a beautiful, Christ-filled new year to you and yours too!

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